Thu 09 Jan
//// SUPER H O R N Y *//PrETTy //SweET CrEaM//CuMiNg nOw..18 - 18
*StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS - 19
(East Valley, Downtown Mesa)
sultry southern and exotic bella lane prefer over 40 a real man 75hh private res - 42
(East Valley, mesa az incalls only BROWN AND HORNE)
»»»Stop CHEATING Yourself Men! Start TREATING Yourself! •Aliyaa • Filipina Latina! - 22
(Phx North, In Your Dreams)
⛔️ STOP ✋ RiGHT ⚠️ HERE⬇️⬇️ YoU WaNT⇦☆★⌒K¡∫∫∑R ⓜOⓤⓣⓗSK¡LLz 👅💦U F®∈AⓚY 🍌ClIck HeRe> - 24
(CHANDLER, East Valley, Phoenix)
Stop By Before Heading Out! I can start the Partying with my Erotic Talents and Plenty more !! - 23
SpeCiaLS-- ViDeO PrOOF 🎥✨ InDePeNDeNT UpScale 🎀 BRuNeTTe ✨✨ WAiTiNG⏳ FoR YoUR CalL 📱📱 - 25
(East Valley, Phoenix, Tempe Incall/outcall valleywide spclss)
SSSexy classy bella 75hh & 50 qv available now 40 and over preferred last day - 44
(East Valley, Phoenix, power and main mesa az)
~~ Simply Gorgeous ~Pureto Rican~ Cali ~~ I Will Do All The Things You Wife Wont! QV SPL 50!!!!!!!! - 23
(I- 51 and Northern)
Simply * The * B ES T __ Just* The * Way * YOU * LIKE __ EARLY MORNING Specials - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, PHOENIX AIRPORT)
💕💕Sin City's Elite Midwest Charmer! 💕 Not Your AVERAGE BP Companion! 💕 1000% REAL! 💕💕 - 40
(51 & 101, Phoenix, Phx North)
▬▬▬▬▬►Shes Irresistible and Incomparable w/an insatiable appetite... Jalaine ☎480🔴☎442🔴☎8373 - 35
(East Valley, Incall Chandler Out to upscale locations, Phoenix)
Sensual e KaT ready N willing, Come Play IN/C $pecial$ {95 the rest of the day} - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Inn central phx, OUT Valley wide)
ღღ REAL ☆ ★GIRL☆ ★ ♥ Ӝ ☆•_T H €_P € R F € C T_ •☆•_C H O i C €_____ღ______ PeTiTe BlOnDe ღღ - 24
(East Valley, Out-All Phoenix Area / Incall Scottsdale)
♥P€T!Te Fr€@K♥♡SW€€T As H€AV€N N@UGHT¥ As H€LL♋100% Real ♥💋TH€ B€ST 💋 - - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, West Elliot Tempe)
One HOT M.I.L.F + Sweet Southern Hospitality = An Erotic Adventure You Shouldn't Miss - 43
One of a Kind ***** Royalty Treatment ***** 95 $peacial Dessert - 27
(Central/South Phoenix, Inn / Out)
♥°o °o♥ °SEXy° °SEdUCTiVE° °SWEEt° °tREAt° °SPECiALS° ♥°o °o♥ - 19
(East Valley, (Scottsdale I/C or O/C))
★•°o©• {SNEAK} °o©• {AWAY} °o©• {&} °o©• {COME} °o©• {PLAY} °o°• SPeCiaLs★•°o© - 20
(West Valley, ISeventeen)
New Ebony L♥vers' #1 Pick ☆ F L A W L E s S ☆ . 80$SPECIAL - 22
(East Valley, Tempe, Scottsdale, Chandler)
NEW ★ ▄ ♡ ▄ ★ BRUNETTE Playmate ★ ▄ ♡ GORGOUSE Face ★▄ ♡ AMAZING Skills ★▄ ♡ AVAILABLE NOW ★★ - 24
(East Valley, Scottsdale Incall & Outcall)
🆕‼️ New Big Booty 60/80/160 Incall Specials‼️🆕 - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, SkyHarborAirportMesaTempeScottdale)
🎶😘Mesa!! Good Golly Ms Molly Is Back & Mz Honey! Incall Specials! Hurry Short Time Only!🎶😘 - 30
(Dobson/60, East Valley, Phoenix)
★ Make You Very Happy !!! ASIAN,BABE ★ - 23
🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰 ▃▐▃ ▃▐MANY THERAPIST AVAILABLE ▃ ▃▐▃ FANTASTIC SERVICE ▃▐▃B🔴DY W🔴RK 🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰🌰 - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix, 💟💟🔲💟💟💟 GLENDALE 💟💟💟🔲💟💟)
Mature Woman 4 The Mature Man....Sexy Italian BBW....Flat Rate Specials - 35
(North Phoenix-Deer Valley...My Place)
MaG¡callY DeL¡C¡OuS AdulT FuN have a (MiNd B£()W!NG) GooD TimE on me!!!! - 28
(East Valley, gilbert and mckellips in mesa)
[ Let me cater to you !Incal ]] - 30
(Central/South Phoenix, Flagstaff, phoenix, Phx North, Prescott, Tucson, Yuma)
_:***~** LATE NIGHT SNACK!? Let this BUSTY ARMENIAN BEAUTY be Your SWEET Treat!! **~***: - 24
(East Valley, Old Town Scottsdale, (702) 488-6122)
💝😍 INCALL/ OUTCALL 100% REAL Hindu Princess *Limited Edition* 🎀🙏🏽 100% real - 24
(I17 INCALLS, Phoenix, Phx North)
👅💋💦INCALL SPECIAL!!💦💋👅 💅 Naughty Petite ✔ Your Dirty Little Secret... - 22
(East Valley, Mesa/Gilbert, Phoenix)
I will Melt in your Mouth as well as your hands... . Mmmmm! !! Available Now!! 602-552-6185 - 45
(Phx North, 53 rd ave /Peoria or O/C available)
I will try my( Hardest 2 (SQUEEZE) U N2 my Weekend~ - 27
(West Valley, Ic-mins from 101w camelback 24/7)
I want to be your Fri night sweet ride(r). Petite & good enough to... Come 👀 me. Can you handle me? - 26
(Phx North, Just off the I-17 @ Union Hills)
I Have A Bad Mouth But I Can Do Good Things With It!! s ONLY! $50 Minimum.. Non-Negotiable ;) - 19
🌟👉Here Now 🌟 100💋 GINGER💋 Kinky 💋💎RARE BREED 💎100👍👍 - 22
(East Valley, Near Biltmore (7th indian), Phoenix)
HEYYY! 1OO Oc! Who Wants 2Play ♥ Do U Want Sum Real Action? Cus i Do ♥ i Know What Ur Craving…👯 - 24
(East Valley, Mesa - ONLY OutCalls, 48034one7505)
** HiGH CLaSS + JUiCeY aZZ ** UPsCaLE ** ** BoOTy L0vERs SpeCi@L ** - 26
(Phx North, Ic N Phnx / Oc Valleywide)
_( ★___ H_ O_T _T____ NEW ___B_ O _M_B_S_H_E_L_L_ _★) - - 19
_-(*Q U A R T E R*)-_-(*B A C K*)-_-(*S N E A K*)-_-(*I N T O*)-_-(*M Y*)-_-(*E N D Z O N E*)-_ - 20
(outcall ONLY)
**HAPPY MONDAY!. Why not spend it with a PERFECT 10 !!! $100 INCALL . NORTH SCOTTSDALE ** - 29
For Those Who Demand the Best & Know the Difference! - Call Grace - 47
(West Valley, West Valley Out Call)
Freaky Friday spl ...SaRa✨stay ready👍I'm available NOW. - 23
(East Valley, Phoenix, tempe/chandler/mesa/valley wide)
From foot to golden fetish Im your girl call ana 928-225-0728 to make your fantasy real call me now - 32
(Central/South Phoenix, Phoenix)
E—X—C—E—L—L—E —N—T __ S—E—X——X—Y— °•█•° — ~*S—O—C—C—O~R— M—O—M - 33
(Central/South Phoenix, Union hills & I-17 (Incall))
🍭🍰💋🍰💋EvEniNg TrEaT🍭🍰💋🍰CoMe OveR🍰💋🍭 100% ASiAn HoTTiE - 22
(InCaLL/OutCall North Phx, Phoenix, Phx North)
EVERYTHING SHE DOESNT DO ✔ I'm ツ Alw@ys On ツ My N@ughtiest ツ Beh@vior!! - 19
(East Valley, Scottsdale ;; old town ;; incall outcall)